Friday, May 11, 2007

Hungarian attack on US hegemony

The reader has been introduced to the famous Carrier psychrometric chart which will be easly recognized as an attempt to confuse and perplex ordinary people with the goal of herding them like sheep into the corrals of air conditioning salesmen. Air conditioning engineers, whomever they may be, love this Carrier chart with its arcane title, its Cal Tech terminology ("enthalpy", etc). Internationals hate it because it is just one more attempt to foist American hegemony on the world. Architects despair at knowing which is up and which is down and which is sideways on the chart, the French hate it because it spelled the death of Scientific French as surely as McDonalds has proven to be Vichy regime of French cuisine, and Freudians consider "psychrometric" an invasion of their stranglehold on epistemology.

Along comes this Hungarian, Victor Olgyay, and saves us by making another kind of thermal comfort chart, as shown above. Notice that it is written in Spanish, so it will not be understand by Americans. I've plotted a couple months of Bangkok weather on it, so you can see how justified you are in just turning on the fan and relaxing, because you are at the limite de trabajo while still safe from a golpe de color.

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